“BULLSEYE Security Guards are vetted through a rigorous background check process; all Yard Security Guards are highly trained under the standard of the Government of Ontario and are able and licensed to immediately handle suspect situations on-site. We offer premium-quality security solutions to clients that align with your objectives, policies, convenience, and regulations. BULLSEYE Yard Security Guards guarantee customized services that include constant and close monitoring of your facility while adhering to a strict discipline and a code of conduct effectively and efficiently based on your business requirements.
- Highly trained Yard Security services
- Professional and discreet services
- Security activities are recorded and monitored
- Patrolling for trespassing and vandalism
- Overall security management of the yard area
- Protection of yard employees
- Services for both Residential, Commercial, and Industrial yards

Most yards are filled with valuables making them a target for suspicious or criminal activity. They can also provide a gateway to enter your premises. Walls and fencing are not a deterrent and offer little to no protection.
Monitoring suspicious acts, logging visitor entries, regularly patrolling your site are key components which compliment our other services as primary deliverables. A customized plan can and will be mapped for your business ensuring that you’re your objectives and concerns are addressed.”